Now that I am back from my 2 months of traveling, I am so excited to begin blogging about all the fun things i've seen. This summer has been non stop for me. I have been all over the east coast. From Atlanta to Natucket and Boston, then New York City and Miami, its been busy busy busy. This week I want to feature all the new trends and enticing new products I found at the Atlanta and New York gift shows. The Atlanta Gift Show was our first stop... I particularly love this show because it is just packed with new stuff. Floor after floor, building after building... it never gets boring. My mom always says, this is where the mall goes to shop! Each showroom is set up so neatly with all the new designs for Fall and Spring 2010. How could you not love this? This year there was definitely a theme through out the entire show. Color, color and more color! Bright Hues and Jewel tones, mixed with fun patterns dominated the Atlanta Show. Here is a little sneak peak of some of the colors and patterns coming in the Fall. Let me know what you think! Tomorrow I will continue with all the new stuff from the New York show. Hope you enjoyed a little sneak of Atlanta!